Generation Lighting Kea One Light Pendant 6536901-962

Generation Lighting Kea One Light Pendant 6536901-962


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Product Details

SOPHISTICATION AND DESIGN: Featured in the decorative Kea collection, this dining room lighting fixtures hanging, with its chandelier-like quality, is the perfect option for brightening up any space in your home. Sea Gull Lighting's One Light Pendant features clear seeded glass shade and adds a touch a style and interest to any room. SEAMLESS FUNCTIONALITY: A great choice for your do-it-yourself project! Our Sea Gull Lighting products are compatible and easily convert to LED with optional replacement lamps. EXPERT RECOMMENDED: When shopping around for a modern light fixture that is sure to compliment any space in your home, Sea Gull Lighting options are the preferred brand choice of builders and electricians. TIMELESS STYLE: Decorative Brushed Nickel Finish to accent and brighten your room. Here at Sea Gull Lighting, we pride ourselves on the attention and care that goes into each and every design of the products we produce. BULBS NEEDED: The Kea One Light Pendant will need 1 A19 Medium 60 watt light bulb and 1 ST19 Medium 60 watt light bulb (Not Included).

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