Roygra Cigar Cutter Set

Roygra Cigar Cutter Set


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  • roygra Cigar Cutter Set, Guillotine, Enlarge V-Cut Fit All Cigar Sizes, Cigar Punch - 3 Pack (Silver)

    roygra Cigar Cutter Set, Guillotine, Enlarge V-Cut Fit All Cigar Sizes, Cigar Punch - 3 Pack (Silver)

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  • Cigar Cutter Set, Guillotine, Enlarge V-Cut, Cigar Punch - 3 Pack (Silver)

    Cigar Cutter Set, Guillotine, Enlarge V-Cut, Cigar Punch - 3 Pack (Silver)

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  • roygra Cigar Cutter Set, Guillotine, Enlarge V-Cut Fit All Cigar Sizes, Cigar

    roygra Cigar Cutter Set, Guillotine, Enlarge V-Cut Fit All Cigar Sizes, Cigar

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  • Roygra Cigar Cutter Set

    Roygra Cigar Cutter Set

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Product Details

Include Content: Get a guillotine, a v-cut, a punch (packaged in exquisite gift box), suitable for personal use and gift giving. Quality Materials: Guillotine made of stainless steel, v-cut & punch made of stainless steel and plastic. Surface is very smooth and the structure conforms to ergonomics. Sharp, Sturdy & Durable: Guillotine has a 55 ring and can fit most cigar sizes, v-cut & punch fit all cigar sizes. With sharp blades, cuts neatly and clean. Design Hightlights: Set includes guillotine, v-cut, and punch to meet all your cigar cutting needs. Compared to conventional plastic v-cuts, our v-cut has increased the cutting area of the blade to match all sizes of cigars. Applicable Scope: Roygra cigar cutter can be used in patio, homes, offices, outdoors, balconies, bars, cafes, hotels, and more.

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