4" Ext Lip  Rad Strike Plate Satin Nickel - Traditional - Door Levers - by Stone Harbor Hardware | Houzz

4" Ext Lip Rad Strike Plate Satin Nickel - Traditional - Door Levers - by Stone Harbor Hardware | Houzz


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  • 4" Ext Lip  Rad Strike Plate Satin Nickel - Traditional - Door Levers - by Stone Harbor Hardware | Houzz
    Stone Harbor Hardware

    4" Ext Lip Rad Strike Plate Satin Nickel - Traditional - Door Levers - by Stone Harbor Hardware | Houzz

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  • Round Corner Extended Lip Strike Plate, 2-1/4" x 4", (4-1/2" Overall Length), Satin Nickel by Stone Harbor Hardware

    Round Corner Extended Lip Strike Plate, 2-1/4" x 4", (4-1/2" Overall Length), Satin Nickel by Stone Harbor Hardware

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  • 4" Ext Lip  Rad Strike Plate Satin Nickel - Traditional - Door Levers - by Stone Harbor Hardware | Houzz

    4" Ext Lip Rad Strike Plate Satin Nickel - Traditional - Door Levers - by Stone Harbor Hardware | Houzz

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  • 4" Ext Lip  Rad Strike Plate Satin Nickel - Traditional - Door Levers - by Stone Harbor Hardware | Houzz

    4" Ext Lip Rad Strike Plate Satin Nickel - Traditional - Door Levers - by Stone Harbor Hardware | Houzz

    Delivery date & cost shown at checkout

Product Details

The size of the lip strike is the distance from the center of the mounting holes to the edge of the lip (see diagram).||The overall width is slightly larger. (e.g. a 3-inch size strike plate has an overall width of about 3.5 inches).||Mounting screws included.||Easy to install, only a screwdriver is needed.||Made from steel and coated in high quality finishes that do not flake to maximize durability.

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