SST-1031-A - Chrysler - Shift Selector Shaft Seal Remover Installer Transmission

SST-1031-A - Chrysler - Shift Selector Shaft Seal Remover Installer Transmission


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  • SST-1031-A - Chrysler - Shift Selector Shaft Seal Remover Installer Transmission

    SST-1031-A - Chrysler - Shift Selector Shaft Seal Remover Installer Transmission

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Product Details

Provides the easy removal and installation of the manual shaft (shift lever) seal. Draining of the transmission fluid is not required. The whole process takes just a few minutes. For use on these Transmissions: 727 (36RH) (37RH), 904, 46RE / RH, 47RE / RH, 48RE / RH

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