78 inch Shower Threshold Water Dam Shower Barrier Water Stopper, Glass Shower Door Bottom Seal Strip, Silicone Rubber Kitchen Sink Splash Guard for

78 inch Shower Threshold Water Dam Shower Barrier Water Stopper, Glass Shower Door Bottom Seal Strip, Silicone Rubber Kitchen Sink Splash Guard for


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Product Details

Installation Instructions.||2. Peel off the red layer from the back of the strip.||3. Apply the adhesive strip to the surface with pressure.||4. Caulk around the edges to make sure it is sturdy.||1. Unclean surface reduces the adhesiveness of the strip.||Installation Instructions.||2. Peel off the red layer from the back of the strip.||3. Apply the adhesive strip to the surface with pressure.||4. Caulk around the edges to make sure it is sturdy.||1. Unclean surface reduces the adhesiveness of the strip.||2. Apply pressure while sticking the strip to increase the bonding of the surface.||3. Use hair dryer to warm up the adhesive may increase the firmness during extreme cold weather.||4. Leave the strip to dry and avoid water in 24 hours.

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