Hengstenberg Mildessa Red Cabbage with Apple 14.1 Ounces

Hengstenberg Mildessa Red Cabbage with Apple 14.1 Ounces


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  • Hengstenberg Mildessa Red Cabbage with Apple 14.1 Ounces

    Hengstenberg Mildessa Red Cabbage with Apple 14.1 Ounces

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  • Hengstenberg Mildessa Red Cabbage with Apple 14.1 Ounces

    Hengstenberg Mildessa Red Cabbage with Apple 14.1 Ounces

    Free delivery by Wed, May 29

Product Details

Hengstenberg Ready to Serve Red Cabbage with Apple Imported from Germany||Red Cabbage is Harvested from September to November for a delicate taste, which includes whole apple pieces||This product is vegan, lactose-free and gluten-free, without the addition of preservatives||Fine Crafted: Cooked, Seasoned, and packaged to perfection||3 Ready to serve portions, that go perfectly with roasts and potatoes for a fine taste

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