925lb Fishing Magnet Bundle with 9mm 100ft High Strength Nylon Rope with Carabiner and Non Slip Rubber Gloves, N38 Neodymium Eyebolt Magnet with Stron

925lb Fishing Magnet Bundle with 9mm 100ft High Strength Nylon Rope with Carabiner and Non Slip Rubber Gloves, N38 Neodymium Eyebolt Magnet with Stron


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  • 925lb Fishing Magnet Bundle with 9mm 100ft High Strength Nylon Rope with Carabiner and Non Slip Rubber Gloves, N38 Neodymium Eyebolt Magnet with Stron

    925lb Fishing Magnet Bundle with 9mm 100ft High Strength Nylon Rope with Carabiner and Non Slip Rubber Gloves, N38 Neodymium Eyebolt Magnet with Stron

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  • 925lb Fishing Magnet Bundle with 9mm 100ft High Strength Nylon Rope with Carabiner and Non Slip Rubber Gloves, N38 Neodymium Eyebolt Magnet with Stron

    925lb Fishing Magnet Bundle with 9mm 100ft High Strength Nylon Rope with Carabiner and Non Slip Rubber Gloves, N38 Neodymium Eyebolt Magnet with Stron

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  • 925lb Fishing Magnet Bundle Kit with 9mm 100ft High Strength Nylon Rope with ...

    925lb Fishing Magnet Bundle Kit with 9mm 100ft High Strength Nylon Rope with ...

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Product Details

The nylon rope with carabiner provides a secure connection with the eyebolt magnet||Thanks to the included cable tie you can easily keep the nylon rope rolled up||Ideal for lifting and recovering items you’ve dropped in rivers, lakes or hard to reach places at home

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