USB Universal Programmer for TL866II EEPROM Flash 8051 AVR MCU GAL Update Tool with 9 Adapter

USB Universal Programmer for TL866II EEPROM Flash 8051 AVR MCU GAL Update Tool with 9 Adapter


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Product Details

GOOD FEATURE: The minimum volume and the lowest power consumption and do not feel any heat in process. All chips do not need external power supply, the low power consumption of its own to ensure that the USB port can provide enough power. EPROM PROGRAMMER SUPPORT: Wide range of chip 15000+ support, support for serial and parallel series 40/44/48PIN large capacity FLASH. PACKAGE INCLUDED: 1 x TL866III Programmer, 1 x Connect Cable, 9 x Adapters, 1 x Pin, 1 x Test Clip. : Best internal 40 pin over voltage , the strongest VCC/VPP 4-level overcurrent . The short-circuit do not reset the PC. UNIQUE INTERFACE: Unique serial programming ICSP interface, supporting serial download and high-speed parallel high-voltage programming. Note: The TL866CS does not support ICSP interface programming.

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