2pcs Alloy Steel Wood Handle Punching Tapered Awl Craft Cloth Scratch Awl Repair

2pcs Alloy Steel Wood Handle Punching Tapered Awl Craft Cloth Scratch Awl Repair


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    2PCS Alloy Steel Wood Handle Punching Tapered Awl Craft Cloth Scratch Awl Repair Tool for DIY Craft

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  • 2pcs Alloy Steel Wood Handle Punching Tapered Awl Craft Cloth Scratch Awl Repair

    2pcs Alloy Steel Wood Handle Punching Tapered Awl Craft Cloth Scratch Awl Repair

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Product Details

Alloy steel for hardness and durability||Protect with transparent plastic awl cover||Features wood handle great for use at home, camp, farm, and much more||Used to punch holes, scribe and mark layout lines on surfaces of paper, cloth, wood, plastic, and laminates||Taper shape design allows you to poke a hole and then gradually enlarge it as the item slides up the awl

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