Farm Innovators Ice Chaser 1250 Watt Cast Aluminum Floating Tank Deicer (2 Pack)

Farm Innovators Ice Chaser 1250 Watt Cast Aluminum Floating Tank Deicer (2 Pack)


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  • Farm Innovators Ice Chaser 1250 Watt Cast Aluminum Floating Tank Deicer (2 Pack)

    Farm Innovators Ice Chaser 1250 Watt Cast Aluminum Floating Tank Deicer (2 Pack)

    Delivery date & cost shown at checkout

Product Details

FLOATING DESIGN: Floats atop your watering tanks used around the farm and home|WELL EFFICIENT: Patented cast aluminum construction for efficient heating and safer operation; This bundle comes with 2 sets of floating tank deicers|AUTOMATIC: Thermostatically controlled to operate only when necessary to prevent icing|CHEW PROOF: Heavy-duty anti-chew cord protector makes sure your livestock won't mistake the deicer for a toy|SAFE FOR PLASTIC: Safe for operation in plastic buckets without risk of warping or melting

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