Healing the Wounds of Childhood and Culture: An Adventure of a Lifetime

Healing the Wounds of Childhood and Culture: An Adventure of a Lifetime


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Product Details

In Healing the Wounds of Childhood and Culture, author Dr. Don St. John offers a new model of wholeness, and he challenges us to embark on an adventure of a lifetime. It awakens us to the multiple effects of personal traumas and of the wounds inflicted by our culture. Blending his personal and clinical experiences, St. John discusses why many have failed to recognize how their potential has been limited. In this guide, he helps you understand the root causes of many of society's ills: violence, addictions, substance abuse, loneliness, depression, apathy, polarization, and relationship distress. Insightful, Healing the Wounds of Childhood and Culture points the way toward harmony, self-love, and a capacity for deep, emotional intimacy. It provides an understanding of what's needed to flourish and thrive, especially in relationship to ourselves and our loved ones. It's what we as individuals and as a culture need to understand to move beyond survival and scarcity and embrace abundance and harmony. Healing the Wounds of Childhood and Culture: An Adventure of a Lifetime (Paperback)

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