(12) Swiss M3777 Military Surplus Stove 3" Diameter Comes Fuel Camping Damaged

(12) Swiss M3777 Military Surplus Stove 3" Diameter Comes Fuel Camping Damaged


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  • Swiss M3777 Military Surplus Stove 3" Diameter Comes Fuel Camping

    Swiss M3777 Military Surplus Stove 3" Diameter Comes Fuel Camping

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  • (12) Swiss M3777 Military Surplus Stove 3" Diameter Comes Fuel Camping Damaged

    (12) Swiss M3777 Military Surplus Stove 3" Diameter Comes Fuel Camping Damaged

    Delivery date & cost shown at checkout

Product Details

LIGHT WEIGHT:Hand carry emergency stove for indoor and outdoor use, USEFUL: Camping stove kit ,emergency stoves ,military camping stove fuel stove ,girl and boy scout camping. BEST FOR: boil water or cook some food, fire can last up to 3 hours DURABLE: The stand hugs the fuel carefully and it wont fall easily, and the lid locks on tightwhen you have the stove stored in your pack or house so you don’t have to worry about it spilling and the gel getting all over everything

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