Cardboard Floor Refill - for Classic 12x18 Cat Scratchers - Heavy Duty Durable Lasts 10x Longer Than Conventional Scratchers

Cardboard Floor Refill - for Classic 12x18 Cat Scratchers - Heavy Duty Durable Lasts 10x Longer Than Conventional Scratchers


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  • Cardboard Floor Refill - for Classic 12x18 Cat Scratchers - Heavy Duty Durable Lasts 10x Longer Than Conventional Scratchers

    Cardboard Floor Refill - for Classic 12x18 Cat Scratchers - Heavy Duty Durable Lasts 10x Longer Than Conventional Scratchers

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  • Cardboard Floor Refill - for Classic 12x18 Cat Scratchers - Heavy Duty Durable Lasts 10x Longer Than Conventional Scratchers

    Cardboard Floor Refill - for Classic 12x18 Cat Scratchers - Heavy Duty Durable Lasts 10x Longer Than Conventional Scratchers

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Product Details

This replacement floor is designed to fit perfectly in the Large Scratch Lounge. Lasts far longer than other scratchers because of the reversible super-dense honeycomb construction. Fitted for the Large Scratch Lounge (Exterior dimensions 18" x 12" x 5" - Interior dimensions for cat 17.5" x 9" x 2.75") *DOES NOT FIT THE ORIGINAL SCRATCH LOUNGE XL* Corrugated cardboard is the best material for scratching-- it is 100% recyclable and contains no harmful materials. The Original Scratch Lounge prevents cats from damaging furniture, it lasts long and, cats love it-- It’s the world’s best cat scratcher!

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