Swpeet 16Ft (5M) U Shape Universal Rubber Seal Protector Guard Strip, Black

Swpeet 16Ft (5M) U Shape Universal Rubber Seal Protector Guard Strip, Black


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Product Details

Prevent leaks , gaps and vibration.||Prevent leakage of the air conditioner to out.||Prevent entry of dust , air and rain water.||Cover the sharp metal edges in the cars and the home.||Protect the external car door edge from the clash on the walls or other cars. Easy install.||Prevent leaks , gaps and vibration.||Prevent leakage of the air conditioner to out.||Prevent entry of dust , air and rain water.||Cover the sharp metal edges in the cars and the home.||Protect the external car door edge from the clash on the walls or other cars. Easy install.||(Direct replacement.

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