LVOUP Aluminum Tube Edge Pressing Tool Expander Curler Bead Roller Intake and ...

LVOUP Aluminum Tube Edge Pressing Tool Expander Curler Bead Roller Intake and ...


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    LVOUP Aluminum Tube Edge Pressing Tool Expander Curler Bead Roller Intake and ...

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Product Details

【Material】Made from high quality steel and aluminum. 【Note】Always apply the bead before welding. 【Method of Application】This tool will form a perfect bead on the end of aluminium or copper tubing. Simply insert the end of the tubing between the dies and start cranking the turning handle. Give the wheel a quarter-turn with each full rotation of the tubing to gradually tighten the dies against the tubing. 【Advantage】100% quality assurance tested, more responsive, less expensive, easier to install. 【After-sale Service】If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us,We offer timely customer support to all buyers.

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