Green Swing Bamboo Castle Golf Tees | Strong Sustainable Biodegradable

Green Swing Bamboo Castle Golf Tees | Strong Sustainable Biodegradable


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  • Green Swing Bamboo Castle Golf Tees | Strong Sustainable Biodegradable

    Green Swing Bamboo Castle Golf Tees | Strong Sustainable Biodegradable

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  • Green Swing Bamboo Castle Golf Tees | Strong Sustainable Biodegradable

    Green Swing Bamboo Castle Golf Tees | Strong Sustainable Biodegradable

    $12.00 delivery by Fri, Feb 9 14-day returns

Product Details

20mm step) 6 x 30mm Castle Tees (10mm.||20mm step) 6 x 35mm Castle Tees (15mm.||20mm step) 6 x 60mm Castle Tees (40mm.||20mm step) 6 x 70mm Castle Tees (50mm.||20mm step) All tees have a printed cup and our colour coded stripes on the stem so you can pick them out easily.

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