Revolutionaries for the Right - Moby the Great

Revolutionaries for the Right - Moby the Great


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Product Details

The battle between science and religion in American popular life is as old as America itself. By the late 19th century it had reached a fever pitch culminating in the two-volume 1896 work A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom. The result of thirty years of research by historian and educator ANDREW DICKSON WHITE (1832-1918) a founder of Cornell University this is White s attack on intellectually stifling religious dogma and his explication of the conflict thesis of outright warfare between science and religion. While scholars today generally see the situation as more nuanced the conflict thesis remains a popular metaphor in the mind of the general public and White s work continues to speak to us today. H.L. Mencken called this one of the noblest monuments of American scholarship and it will fascinate anyone who is troubled by the ongoing influence by religious authorities into secular science. In Volume II White looks at the shift from miracles to medicine from demonic possession to insanity and other modern transformations of humanity s understanding of the world and ourselves.

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