5-1/8 inch tall Clear and Frosted Panel Fixture Shade, 2-1/4 inch lip fitter (08635)

5-1/8 inch tall Clear and Frosted Panel Fixture Shade, 2-1/4 inch lip fitter (08635)


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  • 5-1/8 inch tall Clear and Frosted Panel Fixture Shade, 2-1/4 inch lip fitter (08635)
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Product Details

- Fixture Shade with Alternating clear and sand blast outside panels This shade is based on an early electric design circa 1920 and is a nice pattern for pan or shower fixtures 3-5/8 inch diameter and 5-1/8 inch height 2-1/4 inch lip fitter Made by craftsman and hand blown in a glass foundry 3 5/8 inch diameter, 5 1/8 inch height, 2 1/4 inch fitter.

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