Parker Safety Razor's Deluxe Chrome 2 Prong Safety Razor and Shave Brush Shaving Stand

Parker Safety Razor's Deluxe Chrome 2 Prong Safety Razor and Shave Brush Shaving Stand


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Product Details

Our chrome-plated razor and brush stand is a must for storing all standard razors and brushes. This stand is more than just a display piece! The most important thing you can do to ensure brush longevity is to dry the brush with the bristles facing down in a stand. This stand will ...MoreOur chrome-plated razor and brush stand is a must for storing all standard razors and brushes. This stand is more than just a display piece! The most important thing you can do to ensure brush longevity is to dry the brush with the bristles facing down in a stand. This stand will ensure proper razor and brush storage and will accommodate virtually all razors with a round handle and brushes with 20-25 mm brush knots.Less

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