Tuff Stuff Multi Purpose Foam Cleaner for Deep Cleaning - 22 oz. Pack of 6

Tuff Stuff Multi Purpose Foam Cleaner for Deep Cleaning - 22 oz. Pack of 6


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Product Details

STP Tuff Stuff is perfect for cleaning any washable or painted surface. Deep cleaning foaming action lifts dirt and helps restore true color and appearance. For autos and boats Tuff Stuff is especially effective for cleaning vinyl and fabric upholstery floor mats carpet and chrome ...MoreSTP Tuff Stuff is perfect for cleaning any washable or painted surface. Deep cleaning foaming action lifts dirt and helps restore true color and appearance. For autos and boats Tuff Stuff is especially effective for cleaning vinyl and fabric upholstery floor mats carpet and chrome. For home Tuff Stuff is excellent for cleaning appliance Formica bathroom fixture asphalt or ceramic tile painted wall wall coverings screens window fans porcelain painted wood or metal. Removes soil and stains from vinyl or fabric upholstery and carpets. Age Group: adult.Less

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